Climate Change Network Nigeria (CCN-Nigeria) is a not-for-profit, nongovernmental, national coalition of over 150 diverse civil society organizations from across Nigeria; working on promoting climate-friendly Nigeria through multi-sectoral approach and partnership (public, private & civil society sectors). It came into existence in 2007 as a measure to evolve a national CSO-led integrated stakeholders’ involvement in climate solution efforts for effective mitigation, adaptation and national response to the impacts/vulnerability of Nigeria.

It works in partnership with the Special Climate Change Unit of the Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria; Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA); UNEP’s Climate Neutral Network (CNNet); World Bioenergy Association (WBA); State of the World Forum (SWF). It was the selected CSO that implemented the UN worldwide seal the deal campaign 2009 in Nigeria as well as being Nigeria’s CSO Representative in the national delegation for COP15 & 16. It is a Member, National Inter-Ministerial Committee on Climate Change and Member, National Technical Committee on REDD+.

It co-facilitated the African Mayors Action on Climate Change (AMACC) due to its primary focus on cities and climate change.

Governance CCN-Nigeria is governed by a Board of Trustees and the National Stakeholders Advisory Group (NSAG) headed by Prof. Emmanuel Olukayode Oladipo – an internationally acclaimed Professor of Climatology.

It is coordinated by an 11-person National Steering Committee, representing the North-West, North-East, North-Central, South-West, South-East, South-South, Gender, Research/Documentation, Community participation and Youth with the National Coordinator as Head. The Secretariat is currently hosted by a member Organization – Human Orientation Movement for Environment (HOME).


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